Meet Your Neighbors

Why these Oklahomans are all in on life in the Sooner State.

For Oklahoma Pork Council’s Kylee Deniz, life in Oklahoma has her feeling high on the hog.
How Liz Leaming is bringing a swath of opportunity to one of Oklahoma’s most historical towns.
For ophthalmologist Dr. Andrew Melson, his vision for Oklahoma is 20/20.
How Oklahoma’s energy industry is powering Kelsey Putman Hughes’ life and career.
Why Justin Harlan thinks Oklahoma is the best state to work remotely.
How Muralist Aditi Heins is painting her own path to success in Oklahoma. 
For John Bobb-Semple, small-town living has been just his speed.
How Tesia Zientek is living her Oklahoma life with purpose and style.
For Chicago native Eric Hinton, Oklahoma’s feeling first class.
Why transplant pharmacist Conner Patton moved back to Oklahoma.

Why these Oklahomans are all in on life in the Sooner State.

More where that came from.