Home Life


Arts & culture hub of Oklahoma

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Person crossing the street in downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma

Welcome to Tulsa

Discover Tulsa, Oklahoma: history, music, and adventure await! Explore parks, museums, and vibrant culture. Make Tulsa your next home!

The population of Tulsa, Oklahoma is 413,066.
Enjoy 135 parks in Tulsa, including USA Today’s best city park.
Experience legendary live music at acclaimed places such as Cain’s Ballroom, BOK Center, Tulsa Theater, and Guthrie Green.
Tulsa has a total of 15 colleges and universities, 78 public K-12 schools, and 37 private K-12 schools.
Move with a remote job and earn $10,000 cash through the Tulsa Remote program.
Explore 50 miles of hiking and biking trails in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Visit two nationally recognized museums in Tulsa: Philbrook Museum and Gilcrease Museum.
The average home value in Tulsa is $196,555.
The median age of Tulsa residents is 37 years old.

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